Little Barry Bilby had a fly upon his nose by Colin Buchanan

Ill. by Roland Harvey. Scholastic, 2015. ISBN 9781743621899
(Age: 3+) Rhyme. Poetry. Australian animals. Song.
An Australian take on Little Petter Rabbit has a fly upon his
nose, will be a treat to read aloud, sing along with or listen
to the CD attached to the inside cover of the book. In a classroom
kids will love to be involved. At home too, kids will enjoy the
repetition and range of animals included.
Buchanan has made this into an Australian song with a bilby, possum,
cocky, wombat amongst many animals being bothered by a variety of
bush bugs. Alliteratively, each animal is paired with an insect, so
we have the bilby and a bush fly, the wombat annoyed by a bee on her
behind, and an echidna with a spider on his spike and so on. Each
line will create gales of laughter from the readers. They all do
amazing things to get rid of the bugs until they all jump into the
creek and cause an enormous splash. The infectious sing along CD
adds to the fun and the illustrations by the amazing Roland Harvey
will add another level of involvement.
His illustrations represent the Australian fauna and flora to
perfection, and readers will love picking out the animals they know
and learning the names of even more. The rocky landscape with its
gums and grass trees will also endear the readers to the environment
presented. For city kids the evocation of bush life is wonderful and
I'm sure overseas kids will be equally enthralled learning about the
Australian bush.
Fran Knight