Lintang and the Forbidden Island by Tamara Moss

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Random House, 2018. ISBN 9780143783459
(Age: 9-12) Highly recommended. Themes: Adventure stories, Pirates, Fantasy, Seafaring adventures. Lintang and the Forbidden Island continues the gripping story of a feisty young adventurer on her quest to find Captain Shafira and re-join her friends on board the Winda. Tamara Moss creatively balances the elements of mystery, exploration and detailed imaginary creatures in this fantasy world.
Lintang's life changes dramatically just on her thirteenth birthday; all her plans are thwarted as their island is taken over by the United Regions. Fortuitously Captain Moon arrives with an apprenticeship offer for Lintang because of her previous experiences aboard the Winda battling the mythies. Life on Captain Moon's ship is regimented and dull, her one job is to watch and stoke the fire.
After a daring escape through a marketplace, the sea captain captures her and reveals his special plan. There is a bounty on Captain Shafira's head and Lintang needs to be secretly returned to the Winda. Each of Lintang's lessons aboard provide her with the skills need to survive in the dangerous world ruled by the Vierzan's and inhabited by the fierce mythical creatures. She is given her own sword and taught how to fight, Eire tests her to the limits of her endurance and Zazi teaches her the ways of their ancestors. The Mythie guidebook entries introduce the dangerous beings they need to fight as their journey progresses. The fast-paced action sees Lintang, Captain Shafira and the crew fighting their enemies on both sea and land.
Lintang's friends, Bayani, the pixie Pelita and the crew come alive in Moss's detailed and descriptive narrative novel. Rich with mythology, she continues to explore this magical world, explaining the existence of the Mythies. Her protagonist's personal growth in confidence is very relatable, from a lack of self-assurance, Lintang learns resilience, shows determination and reliance on her friends. What adventures await this feisty young hero? Read both of Lintang's stories to students in the middle primary and they will be captivated.
Rhyllis Bignell