Lily Alone by Jacqueline Wilson

Doubleday, 2011.
(Ages 10+) Recommended. The kids may love her, but I've heard the odd
rumble of dissatisfaction among the adults about former laureate
Jacqueline Wilson. Formulaic is a word sometimes bandied about and many
of the adults I work with are downright derogatory, citing predictable
storylines, a style that is too cosy and chatty and which never
challenges readers out of their comfortable expectations. However, I
admire Wilson and in a world of video games, Facebook, texting and
television, the instant familiarity of the Jacqueline Wilson brand is
the very reason children love her.
Without doubt Wilson has her finger on the 'tweenager' pulse. Here she
is churning out terrifying realism with a touch of reassuring warmth
that coaxes readers into believing everything really will be all right.
Having said that Lily Alone is a nerve wracking, gut wrenching
about a feckless mother who leaves her four children alone while she
swans off to Spain for a week with her new boyfriend. Of course she
tells the father of two of the younger children to stay with them, but
somehow it doesn't work out and it's down to eleven year old Lily to
keep her family together and to feed and care for them until Mum
decides to come home.
One of my Year 6 readers devoured this in a weekend and although she
enjoyed it she was discomfited by the total absence of adult
supervision. It's fine to be on your own on Kirrin Island or trying to
defeat Lord Voldermort, but this is a grimy flat on a sink estate, with
Lily having to wash the clothes in the bathtub and dry them by the gas
fire. It's sorting out little sister, Pixie when she wets her knickers
and trying to stop younger brother Baxter from annoying the big boys
that skulk in the stairwell smoking and drinking. The whole novel has a
nightmarish quality that I never experienced when reading The
Illustrated Mum or The Bed and Breakfast Star because here
at least
adults were present, even if they were inadequate.
It is a credit to Wilson that she handles a harrowing subject in a
kindly, comforting but realistic manner that reveals the
resourcefulness of the four children and glosses over the criminally
irresponsible mother. Let's hope the vast majority of children will
experience Lily's fear and anguish vicariously and thankfully without
the knowledge that an adult reader would bring to such a tale.
Nevertheless, we worry about children growing up too soon and acquiring
knowledge and awareness beyond their years and Jacqueline Wilson seems
to be contributing to this trend. Right or wrong? It's a thorny debate
and I'm sure everyone has an opinion!
Claire Larson.