Life on the goldfields by Doug Bradby

Black Dog Books, 2012. ISBN 978 1 742042 13 9.
(Ages: 9+) Recommended. Non Fiction. Australian History. Black Dog
Books' series, Our Stories has produced some fascinating and
most useful books for the home and classroom. Allied to the renewed
interest in Australia's History, these books are concerned with Ned
Kelly, the Kokoda Track, Burke and Wills and the latest, Life on the
goldfields. Each of these books gives an overview of the topic to be
spoken about and the double page on each of the sections is covered
with information, pictures, photographs and maps makes it easier for
the student to read. For this latest book, the recognized format has
changed to make it more text based, rather than small bites of
information. I found this an odd change, considering the different
ways in which students now gather the information they need, but
still interesting, and I am sure students will pick out the
information they are searching for.
For the goldfields, we are firstly acquainted with the reason so
many people wanted to leave England and why and how they did so. I
was surprised to read that so many were literate, and intrigued with
the facts given about the voyage to Australia. Chapters following
include getting to the diggings, life on the diggings, the food and
shelter, how women (diggeresses!) and children fared, the mining
accidents and then finally a summary of what this event did for
Australia. The photographs and drawings are interesting and some are
new to me, while I longed for a map of the places mentioned.
At the back is a useful index, and glossary, and as with the others
in this series, is a pleasure to dip into or use as a research tool.
Fran Knight