Letters to Leonardo by Dee White

Walker Books, 2009. ISBN 9781921150883.
This is a disturbing novel on many fronts.
Matt's Mother, whom he believes to be dead,
sends a birthday card on his fifteenth birthday. Matt
is shocked and angry with his father for
lying to him and he sets out to find his mother, whom he has not seen
since he
was five. Mum is bi polar and when on Lithium seems
but she
believes she
can't paint when on drugs and life becomes strange and unmanageable for
Matt. The trauma is relieved by the
wry comments of his best friend Troy and Matt's letters to
Leonardo da Vinci break the flow of the narrative.
The book shows only one extreme end of the spectrum of bi polar and a
one at that! I would be keen to know
what psychologists would think appropriate in the area of mental
illness for
this age group. It's a frightening one-sided view, especially
as this may be the reader's introduction to the illness.
It is neither a healthy approach or a
constructive discussion of an illness society is trying to discuss
openly and
helpfully. An adult, but passionate and
beautifully written memoir about manic depression is An Unquiet Mind
Redfield Jamison. A wonderfully uplifting read on the topic.
Sue Nosworthy
Editor's comment: Sue has a
daughter with bi-polar
who is under medication and is doing well.
Another review can be found here http://www.aussiereviews.com/article2852.html