Let the games begin by Niccolo Armaniti

Text, 2013. ISBN 9781921758461.
(Age: Senior secondary) This latest novel by Nicolo Armaniti, the
author of the best-selling I'm not scared, is a satirical
expose of the cult of celebrity in contemporary Italy. The author
establishes two plot lines that come together in a Rabelaisian party
in Rome. Saverio Moneta leads the Wilde Beasts of Avalon, a punk
cult that has haemorrhaged members to the point of extinction. In
his every-day life he works in a furniture store and is married to
the boss's daughter, a frightening woman who treats him with
contempt. The other plot line features Fabrizio Ciba, well-known
writer, television personality, womanizer and cad. Fabrizio affects
a nonchalant attitude to fame, but in fact is insecure about his
ability and fears being a nonentity above all else. The two plot
lines come together at a party given by a Campagnese millionaire,
Salvatore Chiatti, at his villa in the garden of the Villa Ada.
Chiatti's money has ostensibly been made from real estate, but he
has been in gaol for tax evasion and cattle stealing. He is
determined to impress the celebrities of Rome. His party is to last
for two days. He has provided an excess of gourmet food and alcohol
of all kinds. He has also stocked the park with wild animals and
intends to organize the guests into hunting groups for foxes, lions
or tigers. Unbeknownst to him, living in the catacombs under his
grounds are a group of Russian athletes who are refugees from the
Olympic Games held in Rome in 1960. By now they are rather odd
looking as a result of spending their time underground by day and
emerging only at night to scavenge for food. Saverio and his Wilde
Beasts, all four of them, are at the party as waiters, but Saverio
plans to execute a rock star and then commit suicide, an act that
will ensure his notoriety. Fabrizio is present to make a speech, but
also to collect material for a scorching exposee of the bad taste of
all present. The stars arrive, the women all big-breasted,
big-haired, paper thin but camera hungry, and the men greedily
determined to have everything on offer. Armaniti now treats his
characters with the ruthlessness that they exhibit. The hunts go
awry on a large scale; the elephants panic; the crocodiles discover
that they too are hungry; the Russians, fearing that the USSR has
finally come to seize them, kidnap as many guests as they can;
characters die in horrible ways, particularly when Rome's water
system malfunctions and the catacombs are flooded. Fabrizio acts
true to type and manages to place his own survival above all others,
and scrambles back to life as he has always lead it. However,
Saverio sees the foolishness of his plans and is absolved by saving
the few innocents at the party. The novel does become quite
compulsive reading, despite its range of unappealing characters and
bizarre action. However, it is a challenging reading experience and
is only for older readers.
Jenny Hamilton