Let me lie by Clare Mackintosh

Hachette, 2018. ISBN 9780751564877
(Age: Adult - Older adolescent) Themes: Mystery and suspense.
Suicide. Grief. The dedication at the start of the narrative
positions us perfectly to be led into a complex story of love,
loyalty and betrayal, with Clare Mackintosh's choice of Benjamin
Franklin's wise words to precede the narrative: "Three may keep a
secret if two of them are dead". Indeed the use of "lie" in the
title of the book itself is enigmatic, as we begin to realize what
has happened.
Single mother, Anna, has an eight-week old child, Ella, with her
partner, Mark, the psychologist she had been seeing since the
disastrous disappearance of her parents, in what appears to have
been separate suicides. Prior to the opening of the narrative, we
learn, Anna's parents appeared to have run a successful car sales
business for many years, apparently making money and in a successful
personal relationship. However, the manner of their deaths,
apparently suicide, and the things that Anna begins to discover
suggest that all was indeed not well. This is where Murray, the
retired policeman who is fascinated by the mystery, decides to
investigate privately, both to help Anna, who is dismayed, afraid
and angry, and to answer the questions that puzzle him.
Apart from the obvious lack of care of their daughter, having been
somewhat venomous and not particularly loving parents, Anna had
thought her life to be predictable and normal. She discovers,
gradually, that all had not been well, that her parents had cared
little for her and for each other, and she has been devastated by
the lies that had filled her life and the dreadful events that
appear to have occurred.
This book is imbued with a sense of decency, in how we should treat
one another, how we should respond to tragedy, how indeed we should
live in today's complex and often difficult world by caring for, and
recognizing, the humanity and goodness of others. Tense, disturbing
and at times shocking, this new novel tells a good story and leaves
us understanding the terrible nature of some people, and of the
hidden secrets and venom of some people's lives. Mackintosh elicits
strong emotions in the reader as we begin to understand what others
find the strength to do, not only to survive, but to approach life
with love, hope, loyalty and respect so that they, and we, can live
justly, if we are lucky, in this sometimes very daunting and dark
This book is suitable for adults and older adolescents, as it does
deal with admirable and honourable attributes of humanity, tainted
by the presence of betrayal, cruelty and violence.
Elizabeth Bondar