Lest We Forget by Kerry Brown

HarperCollins Children's Books, 2015. ISBN 9780733332333
(Age: All readers) Highly recommended. Lest We Forget
supports readers in remembering the 100th anniversary World War 1
and the ANZAC spirit that evolved. A young boy remembers his
grandfather's comments about memories and days we need to remember
and those we need to forget. As the story unfolds, the young boy
remembers memories he wants to remember and forget. At the same
time, images flashback to his grandfather's experiences in World War
1. This is highly recommended for all readers - whether reading with
an adult or independently. Children aged 9+ will enjoy the images
and the text and will learn about a war that still has a huge affect
on the world today. It will give them an idea of the sacrifices made
and would be a great way to introduce a unit on Gallipoli or World
War 1 in the classroom.
Kylie Kempster