LEGO Star Wars ideas book: More than 200 games, activities, and building ideas by DK Publishing

DK Publishing, 2018. ISBN 9780241314258
(Age: 7+) Recommended. Themes: Lego. Star Wars. Inventions. A
fantastic book to give as a gift to young Lego and Star Wars
aficionados or to have in a Maker Space, this LEGO Star Wars
ideas book will keep children occupied for many hours with the
over 200 ideas that it contains for using Lego bricks that they may
already own. The contents page contains all 200 activities and is
organised under the headings of "Recreate", "Expand", "Challenge",
and "Use it". There is a further double page spread that asks the
question "What will you do today?" And includes questions like "What
are you in the mood for?" and "How much time do you have?" and then
gives suggestions for what to make.
It follows the themes of "Rethink, Rebuild and Recycle", giving the
user lots of alternatives of things to make at differing levels of
difficulty. There are activities like building Han's
electrobinoculars, make a mosaic, recreate the Star Wars characters
and even make a pencil holder shaped like a Jedi. One I liked was
"Be a Lego Portrait Artist", which showed how to make Queen Amidala
and General Grievous.
The index is also handy, and a skim through this would give readers
ideas about individual things that they could make, for example, the
entry for Han Solo, gives the page numbers for a 8-bit figure,
electrobinoculars and lucky dice.
The book itself is a sturdy, colourful product, with a thick hard
cover and should stand up to some hard use. Each of the projects is
well illustrated with excellent photos which would give a lot of
guidance to the person making the selected building.
Pat Pledger