Learn with Maisy by Lucy Cousins

Walker Books, 2011.
(Ages 2-5) Recommended. A fun, bright, lift-the-flaps book, Learn
with Maisy explores colour, weather, number, size, movement,
touch, days of the week, sound, pattern and more and there are
cheeping yellow chicks around every corner! On first glance the
format is the same as your usual first concepts book but this Maisy
book really reaches above and beyond that. The interaction
encouraged between adult and child is beyond counting and letter
sounds with discussion prompting questions such as 'who is spotty?'
and 'what kind of weather do you like?' It differs in a dramatic way
from other concept books of this type in that it doesn't just ask us
to count or name but encourages involvement and engagement. The
reader is asked for example, 'Can you make these noisy noises?'
(lawnmower- bruummm, trumpet- tooty-tooty-toot) and 'Can you jump
like a kangaroo?' Children are also encouraged to engage in more
complex thinking such as being presented with 2D un-textured
pictures of things such as a porcupine, an egg, an icy-pole and a
cat and being asked, 'what do these feel like?' Also explored are
comparisons and opposites in ways that support children in making
these connections rather than just being informed, such as when they
are asked 'who has a big tail?' which encourages them to explore
various animals and their attributes. This is a fantastic book to
share with children who are curious and eager to share their
developing knowledge of the world. Learn with Maisy is a
refreshing concept book that doesn't underestimate children and
breaks free of that same predictable format. It is clear to see that
a lot of thought about how children develop conceptual
understandings has gone into this book. Most of all it is fun and
bright and children will love it!
Nicole Smith-Forrest