Laughing hyena by Shoo Rayner

Pearson Picture Books. Pearson, 2011. ISBN 978 1 4425 4808 4.
(Age: Junior Primary) Hyena loves to laugh and play tricks on his
friends. He frightens zebra, glues a coin to the pavement so
elephant is fooled and continues to trick the bears. The animals get
their revenge when one of the bears shouts to Hyena not to step
backwards. He does of course and falls in the hole! They all laugh,
with Hyena admitting that he fell for that trick. The story shows
how unthinking tricks can be upsetting to the receiver and when they
back fire, the recipient needs a good sense of humour! The
illustrations are bright, clear and large, and fun to interpret for
young readers. Well recommended.
Sue Nosworthy