Laugh your head off again and again! : more funny stories for all kinds of kids by Andy Griffiths et al

Pan Macmillan Australia, 2017. ISBN 9781760553197
(Age: 8+) This contains stories by Andy Griffiths, R A Spratt, Alex
Ratt, John Marsden, Deborah Abela, Tony Wilson, Meredith Costain,
Alan Brough and Tristan Bancks. These authors' stories will make you
laugh your head off again and again! A scary shower, three twisty
little pigs, a choose your own adventure, a Halloween chicken, a
demonic clown, an unexpected gift, terrible twins, a famous dancing
dog and a running race like no other equals one hilarious book.
What is not to like about this book! With its neon orange cover and
lime green writing, the cover is sure to attract the attention of
many. This book contains nine stories by some of Australia's most
talented and loved children's authors.
At the end of the book I really like the biography about each author
and what they find funny. It will give the readers an insight into
the lives of the authors they love. With the psychedelic lime green
illustrations throughout the book they will certainly attract the
attention of the reader.
This will make a welcome addition to the humour or short story
section of the library and I think students from 8 years old and up
would love to read it. I also think it would make a fantastic read
aloud and I look forward to doing this with my students.
Kathryn Schumacher