Lasseter's Gold by Warren Brown

Hachette, 2015. ISBN 9780733631603
Like most Australians, I had heard of the legend of Lasseter's reef
of gold, discovered in the late 1890's but never located again. What
I wasn't aware of was the amazing expedition undertaken in 1930 in
an attempt to rediscover what was believed to be a vast deposit
worth countless millions of pounds. This is the story cleverly told
by the well-known cartoonist Warren Brown.
Harold Lasseter claimed to have made this spectacular find by
accident, having become hopelessly lost whilst trying to cross the
Continent from Cairns to Kalgoorlie on horseback. Having lost his
horses, and near death, he discovered the reef somewhere near the
border of Western Australia and the Northern Territory in Central
Australia. He stated that he took samples before staggering
deliriously through the desert for days, finally being miraculously
rescued by an Afghan camel driver.
In 1930 he approached the Australian Workers Union with a proposal
to put together an expedition to find the reef. The subsequent gold
fever and greedy scheming he stirred up created a wild commitment to
his plan, based upon this outrageous tale, which seems incredible
with the benefit of hindsight. Brown explains the various
machinations which came together to fund and assemble a grossly
unprepared and laughably disorganised expedition into some of the
harshest terrain on earth - all based on fervent hope rather than a
bushman's experience and common sense.
The author provides all the background to the gold legend, however
the real story in this book is the expedition itself as the
characters involved and their wild exploits are truly remarkable.
The reader is captivated by descriptions of a group of men (some of
whom intensely dislike each other), working together to force a
heavy truck through murderously difficult mulga scrub and almost
impassable and impossible sand dunes. The presence of aircraft, used
for the first time in Australian geological surveying, gives another
dimension. Like many thunderingly good stories, there is much
mystery and speculation about what motivated some very strange
characters to act in the duplicitous and irregular ways that they
did whilst risking death over and over in the arid wilderness.
There are so many complexities to this tale that it could have
become difficult to understand, yet the style and structure of the
narrative is such that everything is explained in a manner which is
meaningful and connected whilst the book reads like an exciting
thriller. The many photographs of the events are amazing to see.
I really like that this author has dedicated so much time to
researching and writing about this incredible expedition and the
legend which started it all, yet he avoids claiming to have solved
the riddle or having written the definitive version of events as
many would have done in his place. Instead, the details are
presented and some bewildering options are discussed, yet the legend
is treated with a kind of respect that recognises that the exact
truth will probably be never known and the reader is left with a
definite sense of wonder that maybe there is some minute chance that
the reef really did exist
This book will circulate like mad in public libraries, however I
sadly believe that school students would fail to appreciate what
they are missing in this marvellous story.
Rob Welsh