Lara of Newtown by Chris McKimmie

Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781760112325
Author and Illustrator Chris McKimmie has created another quirky
book in his unique style. This is a story of a cat that, after being
abandoned by its original owner, discovers new homes encountering
some difficulties en route. The story is not appealing in
complication or resolution nor is it particularly strong in any
other narrative features and would not be endearing to a young child
(even if they do like cats!).
The illustration style, with drawings by very young relatives and
other young participants which are collaged with McKimmie's own
drawings in a similar naive style are not particularly appealing in
colour or style. The book is relatively dark in colour tones and it
relies on its uniqueness of style rather than its strength in
illustration. I am not sure that it would actually appeal to the
younger reader except as an example of how their own drawings could
be used to illustrate a story.
Carolyn Hull