LA Candy by Lauren Conrad

Harper Collins Children's Books. ISBN 9780061905674.
(Age 15+) A disappointing novel, espousing all that older Australian
parents abhor in the American style. Jane, from a small town American
city, comes to LA with her more
friend Scarlett (who thinks a quick night of fun is okay) to find
excitement and
love. The book follows many American TV
themes. It's so disappointing to read of flaky young people who seem
intent on
having a good time regardless of anything and who think that finding a
boyfriend is the
ultimate success. Jane appears innocent about the people who
frequent her
world. I just hope young people in
Australia look a little more carefully at potentially unhappy outcomes.
Why write about situations to be avoided?
Young people may find the book similar to
their dreams, but it's potentially a very sad scene.
Sue Nosworthy