Kookaburra by Claire Saxby

Illus. by Tannya Harricks. Nature Storybooks. Walker Books,
2020. ISBN: 9781760651060.
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Part of the dawn chorus in Australia,
the laugh of the kookaburra is most distinctive and Saxby imitates
that sound in her text as it follows the lives of a kookaburra
family, mum (Kookaburra) and dad and their three offspring. They
laugh together on the branch of a tree, watching for signs of food.
When a lizard is spied, dad swoops down to grab it in his amazing
beak, bringing it back to Kookaburra, offering it to her as it is
close to mating season. They search for a nesting position, wary
that it should not be too accessible by other animals. Another group
of kookaburras comes close to their territory, and dad, solicitous
of his family, makes his presence known. They posture at each other
across the river and the interlopers move on. Food is gathered when
a single kookaburra appears. It is nesting time and everyone is
tense, the family swoops at the invader and it flees. The story of
Kookaburra and her family is told in one font, enticing readers
along a path that shows the animals and what happens during a day,
while along the bottom of the pages is a text in a different font,
giving more academic information about the birds. So children will
read of the territories of the kookaburra and the fact that they
often return to the same nesting place from the year before, and
often pair for life.
Each page offers the story of the family over the year, and this is
augmented with a sentence of two of factual information, giving the
reader so much more than a non fiction text or a story book.
I like the Nature Storybooks series, the mixture of fact and
story gives a broader multi-layered feel to the book, and they are
always supported with great illustrations and design.
At the end of this book as with all the others in this fine series,
is a page of information about kookaburras, a page about the author
and illustrator and a brief but adequate index.
I particularly like the opening and closing pages, the first at dawn
with the kookaburra family on a bough outlined against the morning
sky, while the last page shows the end of the day, the sun setting
over the hills, the family welcoming the evening with their raucous
laugh. Teacher's
notes are available.
Themes: Kookaburras, Family.
Fran Knight