Kizmet and the Case of the Tassie Tiger by Frank Woodley

Puffin Books, 2015. ISBN 9780143308546
(Age: Yr 2-4) "The creature's breathing was wet and crackly as it
crept through the dark. The goat was standing very still. Actually,
it was asleep. The creature's black shape leapt across the face of
the full moon, crashing into the goat and digging its teeth into the
victim's woolly shoulder. The force sent them both tumbling and
bouncing down the grassy hill, splashing into the dam below. The
shock of the cold water confused the predator and its jaws
slackened, releasing its prey. A hoof kicked frantically, leading a
painful blow on the monster's nose. The desperate goat, struggling
to escape, became bogged in the sticky mud at the edge of the dam.
The terrible creature rose onto its hind legs, its fangs dripping
with spit."
So begins a new adventure and a new series for younger readers
featuring Kizmet Papanicillo, her father Detective Spencer and
Gretchen, a feisty currawong and the narrator of the story. Having
just returned from solving a mystery in Scotland, they are
immediately off to Tasmania where a mysterious creature is attacking
and killing livestock. Could it be a Tasmanian Tiger, long thought
to be extinct but rumoured to still exist in parts of the southern
wilderness? Naturally, the team from IMPACT - International
Mysteries, Puzzles and Crimes Taskforce - are called in but it is
soon clear that even though her dad is officially the detective, it
is Kizmet who is the chief crime-solver. From the moment he crash
tackles a "Tasmanian Tiger", a dressed-up model promoting a soft
drink, her dad proves to be more of a hindrance than a help. Working
with an array of interesting characters including the lisping Dr
Cecil Simpson, Kizmet needs to solve this mystery and her quick
thinking and clever deductions expose the truth. Tasmania is not to
become a tourist destination for those looking for this mysterious
creature after all.
Younger readers who like a good meaty mystery with well-drawn
characters and just the right amount of suspense will be drawn to
this new series written by well-known comedian Frank Woodley. The
prologue written in white text on a dark page sets the tone and the
short chapters, quirky illustrations that break up the text, fast
pace and humour will appeal to both boys and girls in the Year 2-4
audience and they will enjoy pitting their wits alongside Kizmet
trying to solve the clues before she does. Finishing as it began
with Kizmet already packing for the next case, Kizmet and the
Case of the Smashed Violin is also now available.
Barbara Braxton