Kitten Kaboodle mission two: The lightning opal by Eileen O'Hely

Kitten Kaboodle series. Ill. by Heath McKenzie. Walker Books
Australia, 2014. ISBN 9781921529948.
Recommended for readers from 8-10 years. Cats. Dogs. Opals.
Secret Agents.
Kitten Kaboodle, the feisty top agent for Cat - the Clandestine
Activity Taskforce returns for his second mission in The lightning
opal. His perilous mission takes him to Lightning Ridge where he
fights the evil Disaster Organisation Group - DOG, canines in their
quest to bring back to life the legendary fierce, opalised dinosaur
skeleton. This secret agent has a communication unit in his
scratching post and a multifunctional collar that demobilizes dogs
and modulates his voice.
The story is filled with action and adventure, after the CAT
Headquarters self destructs, Kitten Kaboodle, Delilah and McGeek set
off to find the opal. Their journey involves catching a train,
hiding in a cargo plane filled with dog food, toys and shampoo and
hitching rides on emus.
Eileen O'Hely uses an abundance of acronyms and a wealth of comic
feline and canine references to engage the reader. Heath McKenzie's
action-packed cartoon sketches add to the drama and excitement of
Kitten Kaboodle's adventure.
Rhyllis Bignell