Kisses for Lula by Samantha MacKintosh

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Egmont, 2010.
(Ages 13+) Tallulah (Lula) Bird is 15 years old and has never been kissed! With five days until her birthday that is not her only problem. Her dad is sneaking out of the house at night with a lady's handbag, some one's stalking her, every boy in town thinks she is jinxed and the documents that could save Coven's Quarter, Lula's favourite place, have been stolen. When her friends go away for a few days Lula is left to find someone to kiss without hurting him like she has hurt every boyfriend she has ever had. Unfortunately her first choice doesn't like her and her second choice likes someone else. When she attempts to help Arns get a date with Mona he ends up getting hurt by her sister's dog Boodle the Poodle.
This book is great. I would recommend this book to anyone. You get to see all the problems Lula faces in her last few days of being 15 and how she solves them.
Tahlia Kennewell (student)