Kiss it better by Smriti Prasadam-Halls

Ill. by Sarah Massini. Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN 9781408845639
(Ages: 2-6) Recommended. This book is a joyous celebration of how
kisses can make everything better. It is filled with visual symbols
of love; there are hearts on every page and lots of physical
affection by way of hugs and kisses. The text tells and shows us all
the times when a kiss can heal ('when you're down in the dumps', 'if
you've scraped your knee') and of all the things that kisses can say
('I love you so much', 'can we be friends?', 'I'll miss you'). The
author gives different types of kisses fun names that children and
their parents will love adopting into their own vernacular; there
are be-brave kisses, cheer-up kisses and go-to-sleep kisses that
shout monsters, shoo! The warm, slightly retro illustrations have a
wonderful texture, particularly in the patterned clothing worn by
the animals, and their soft warmth helps to capture the comfort that
kisses can bring. The family of bears used in the illustrations add
to this feel with their rounded, soft and cuddly style. The rhyming
text flows beautifully in most places. It ends by reminding young
readers that 'sometimes grown-ups need kisses, too!' and that
'EVERYTHING feels better with the help of a kiss!' This is a joy to
read aloud and the illustrations are divine. It is an uplifting tale
with a simple message for young and old about how we have the
ability to comfort those we love with a kiss as well as being a
reminder to parents that the most important thing they can give to
their children is love. It also provides a vocabulary for parents to
help their children vocalise how they are feeling and what they need
to feel better.
Nicole Nelson