King Flashypants and the Evil Emperor by Andy Riley

Hodder Children's Books, 2016. ISBN 9781444929591
(Age: 9+) Highly recommended. King Edwin is a kid and a king. He
rules Edwinland and is loved by everyone. (especially on Fridays
when he spends his pocket money on chocolate and shares it with
everyone). Minister Jill helps King Edwin run the country while evil
Emperor Nurbinson continually plots to steal Edwinland from them
all. How will a cow disguised as a dragon be the downfall of the
kingdom? Will the people of Edwinland be easily swayed? How does
shaving 2 sheep help Edwin hide his crown? Can Edwin become a guard
in Nurbinson's army and spoil Emperor Nurbinson's plans? By the way,
his people call him King Edwin. You will have to read the book to
find out why he is called King Flashypants in this story.
King Flashypants and the Evil Emperor is a hilarious read and
highly recommended for readers aged 9+ . Thanks to funny events like
itchy bums and characters with crazy names, reluctant readers will
be laughing all the way to the end. The text is descriptive and
moves quickly. It is scattered with funny cartoons and readers will
be hanging out for the next King Edwin adventure.
Kylie Kempster