Kin: A tale of beauty and madness by Lili St. Crow

Tales of beauty and madness, bk 3. Razorbill, 2015. ISBN
(Age: 15+) Highly recommended. In this retelling of Little Red
Riding Hood, Ruby de Varrehas has to think about settling down and
becoming responsible instead of running freely in the woods with
Hunter and Thorne. When handsome Conrad is introduced into her
family circle, her life is turned upside down. Then the murders
begin and dark secrets emerge.
Following Nameless, a retelling of Snow White, and Wayfarer,
a retelling of Cinderella, comes this haunting version of Little
Red Riding Hood. Ruby has always been wild, loving to run in
the woods with her good friends Hunter and Thorne. Then her
grandmother, the clanmother of the Rootkin in New Haven, tells her
that it is time she settled down. She had asked Conrad a boy from
the Waste to visit in view of a future marriage. Ruby knows that she
will have to obey her grandmother on this occasion, especially since
she might end up being Collared, with her freedom severely curtailed
and her punishment being made public to the kin community if she
persists in her wild ways.
Ruby doesn't feel able to confide in her friends and becomes
increasingly isolated as Conrad begins to invade her life. At first
he seems gorgeous but she realises that something is off about him.
Then the murders begin, with her dear friend Hunter being the first,
and girls with red hair like her own beginning to disappear.
This is fantasy at its best - a beautifully written and very
original retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. St. Crow adds
to the suspense as the reader follows the incidents involving Ruby
and Conrad, whose violent behaviour begins to escalate, first with
irritability when she is late, but later bruises when he grabs her
or hits her with his bag. The author has portrayed how young women
can get sucked into a situation of domestic violence, without
realising what is happening to them and making excuses for the
abuser. It is not until something happens to her grandmother that
Ruby is able to see what is happening and take some action. While
following Ruby's trials, the reader has no problem seeing how it is
important to keep the lines of communication with friends and family
Lili St Crow's series will enthrall readers who enjoy tales of girls
who have to find their inner strength to win out against the
monsters they confront.
Pat Pledger