Killing God by Kevin Brooks

Penguin Books, 2009.
Recommended for libraries, senior students and those parents willing to
read it. Dawn Bundy is a confused, lonely 15 year old hiding a
traumatic secret. We guess it almost at the outset, but Dawn can't
confront it and as a result, seeks refuge in her room, her music and
her two dogs, Jesus and Mary. The dogs are ironically named because
religion and the church can't help Dawn - in fact both get quite a
serve here - and Dawn wants nothing less than to 'kill God.' Her
born-again-Christian father hadn't changed his spots at all so Dawn
wants to do away with God. Her drugged mother watches TV all day and
her dad disappeared two years ago - 'all God's fault.' (blurb)
Needless to say, Dawn is wandering aimlessly until street smart Taylor
and Mel from school barge into her house and life and take her in hand.
We question their motives but they give Dawn a makeover to boost her
self esteem. Dawn gains confidence but in the process has to
confront her dark secret and Mel reveals she and Dawn have had a
similar family issue. She warns Dawn of impending danger. It all leads
to an explosive soap opera climax which is predictable but nonetheless
The strength of this book is the gift the author has for capturing the
voice of Dawn in a stream-of-consciousness style. Convincing and
believable, it is not only very readable but also able to perfectly
portray Dawn's struggle to reconcile reason, religion and powerful
conflicting emotions. Her self becomes divided in the process.
Interspersed are snippets of Dawn's favourite lyrics which reflect her
inner reality to herself. Her parents, by contrast, are more
shadowy and less believable characters, but it is essentially Dawn's
As we see the world through Dawn's eyes we understand her difficulty in
rejecting her parents whom she wants to love. The book brings shades of
grey to what can be a black and white issue. It is a valuable insight
into the mind of an abused child. Sadly, Dawn has no-one to turn to for
help at home, school or church but this very likely reflects the
reality for many. Set in England, this book travels well; however, the
title and anti-religion stance may deter many.
Kevyna Gardner