Kensy and Max : Full speed by Jacqueline Harvey

Penguin Random House Australia, 2020. ISBN: 9781760890025.
(Ages 8-10). Recommended. Kensy and Max, the super child spies, are
back in the sixth book in this very popular series. In this
new book the twins find themselves on a mission to Zermatt in
Switzerland after there is a strange gas leak in the Houses of
Parliament during their school excursion.
When they arrive in Zermatt Kensy and Max are tasked with
befriending Soren, the child of a very suspicious couple who are
suspected of being involved in an arms smuggling ring. But the
mystery deepens for them when a secretive figure that was spotted in
London turns up in Zermatt and seems to want to kill Max.
There is also the mystery of who is behind the hacks that are
plaguing many large corporations around the world. Along with
the exciting, page-turning action in this book there is also a
softer side which explores family relationships through the story
behind Soren and his relationship with both his very self-absorbed
parents and their kind housekeeper Sylvie. Readers will enjoy
the spy tools and special gadgets used by the twins and their family
to give them the upper hand and solve the case.
These books can be read as a stand-alone book but some understanding
of the characters that pop up is enhanced if they are read in
order. As with previous books the chapter titles are written
in a special code, different in each book. This book uses the
Qwerty Code where the alphabet corresponds with the QWERTY keyboard
and is explained in the back of the book. Themes: Spies, Twins,
Siblings, Snow skiing, Mysteries.
Gabrielle Anderson