Kaitangata Twitch by Margaret Mahy

Allen and Unwin, 2010. ISBN 9781742373966.
(Age 11+) Recommended. A dark island, which calls, 'Feed. Need',
a property developer determined to take over the hillsides overlooking
the bay and a young girl who sleepwalks and dreams of a powerful
enchantress, all combine to make a powerful story. When Sebastian
Cardwell comes back to town and gets elected to the council, it looks
as if the peaceful life that Meredith's family has enjoyed will end.
What is worse, he wants to build a holiday house on Kaitangata Island,
which has been her special refuge. As the protests grow, so do
Meredith's dreams of a brooding being on the island.
Kaitangata Twitch is a gripping story which looks at the theme
conservation, the power of wealth versus the individual and whether the
land has a voice of its own. Mahy manages to give both viewpoints about
land development. Mr Gallagher and his daughter Kate are vocal
opponents of any change coming to their New Zealand bay, which is only
35 minutes from the city. Mrs Gallagher is more tolerant, pointing out
that they were intruders not that long ago and that perhaps others have
the right to a beautiful setting.
Mahy has a deft hand with language. She describes the island with
memorable imagery, painting a frightening picture of an entity with a
wide mouth that wants to feed. Mahy had me on the edge of my seat
whenever the island called to Meredith with the word 'Flick!' and she
responded by sleepwalking. There are plenty of plot twists, uncertainty
about what is dream and what is real and a surprise denouement.
A very welcome re-issue to coincide with the television program
Kaitangata twitch (2005) is a compelling story with elements of
supernatural that will appeal especially to girls. Because of its
examination of issues like conservation, wealth and passive and
aggressive protests it would be an interesting discussion text for
lower secondary students.
Pat Pledger