Just right by Birdie Black

Ill. by Rosalind Beardshaw. Noisy Crow. 2011. ISBN 978 0 85763 030
(Ages 4-7) Picture book. Humour. Christmas. An absolutely delightful
story about giving a gift for Christmas has the king buying a large
roll of beautiful red cloth for the dressmakers to make his wife a
lovely cloak. The leftover cloth is then left by one of the maids on
the doorstep where it is picked up by a kitchen maid. She uses some
of it to make a jacket for her daughter, then leaves the scraps on
her doorstep. Badger, spying the red cloth takes it home to make a
red hat for his father. The scraps again are picked up and mittens
are made for the squirrel's wife. The last little piece is found by
the mouse and she finds it just right to make a scarf for Billy.
Each present is wrapped or not, and left under the tree in each of
the households, and on Christmas morning each is opened and
appreciated. A beautiful double page spread at the end of the book
shows all the givers and recipients proudly displaying their gift as
they skate on the frozen lake.
This charming book shows the range of gifts given for Christmas and
will elicit responses from the students listening or reading it
themselves about what they receive and give for Christmas. That each
piece of leftover cloth is used by the characters, makes a telling
reminder that the giving of a gift is not about its monetary value
but the impetus behind the giving of the gift. This book will be a
valued inclusion in the Christmas stories used in classrooms and by
parents at this time of the year, when discussing what the children
will give for Christmas. It is a humorous look at what is important
about giving, and incidentally a tale about recycling and making the
best use of an object.
Fran Knight