Just a girl by Jackie French

Angus and Robertson, 2018. ISBN 9781460753095
(Age: 12 - 16) Highly recommended. Themes: Historical fiction. Roman
history. Survival. Persecution. Courage. Siblings. Jewish people.
Mary (mother of Jesus). Jackie French is a master of storytelling
and in this book she immerses us in the daily life of a Jewish girl
in Judea in 71AD. Judith's daily life has changed since the men from
her village have gone to fight in Jerusalem and she must take up
tasks normally not allowed by girls - minding sheep and using a
sling-shot to kill small animals for her family. Little does she
realise how much different it will become when two Roman chariots
pass her small village.
As predicted by Rabba, (Judith's great, great grandmother) the
village is looted and destroyed by the Romans the following day.
Judith is saved when Rabba tells Judith to take her, her little
sister and the goat away from the village during the night to a very
well-stocked cave nearby. When a Roman slave comes close to the cave
Judith uses her sling-shot to protect them and he falls over a
cliff. He is left for dead by his Roman masters and is rescued by
Judith and joins the others in the cave for the long winter. The
slave is a Christian and is curious to find out about a special
woman Rabba mentions as she tells them stories of her life. The girl
is Maryiam from Nazareth (the mother of Jesus) but Rabba is
reluctant to talk too freely about the relationship she may have had
with Mary who she describes as "just a girl" from her village.
Mary's story is slowly revealed as a life of someone with the
courage to overcome the humiliation of her unexplained pregnancy and
the loss of her son in such violent circumstances. This account from
the Jewish point of view makes it a very interesting novel.
At the end of the book there are comprehensive author's notes about
the history behind this story. It also explains some of the
language, food and other customs.
Gabrielle Anderson