Juno of Taris by Fleur Beale

Random House, 2009. ISBN 9781741662979.
Recommended. Growing up in a
community where strict rules restrict the behaviour, clothing and ideas
of the
population causes some angst amongst the teenagers. Shaving their hair
month incites several to rebel against this draconian law, in place to
sure everyone is equal. But the reason for enforced equality is at the
heart of
this wonderful dystopian novel, where a population is sheltered under a
over an island in the South Pacific. For their own survival, global
having decimated the rest of the world, this group of people has
developed a
strict code by which they live.
With every aspect
of life regulated on the basis that it is necessary for survival, the
members seek answers to their questions, resulting in an undermining of
order which rules their lives. The ideas of public good, social
experimentation, future of society, environmental damage and the
people's right to know are all explored in this powerful tome.
Beale's character are presented sympathetically, even the ones in power
understandable, as they strive to retain the cohesion of the group.
are short and the plot moves quickly. The wonderful addition of inserts
the reader what the general community is feeling adding to the tension
up between Juno and her friends and those in charge. The need to know
what is
Outside causes change and grief.
This is a
blindingly good read, bringing in all aspects of dystopian fiction,
adding to
the range of fiction now available for our students to read. It would
make a
stunning class text with a class willing to let themselves go into this
created so ably by Beale, and see the possible futures for Juno and her
community as well as themselves.
Fran Knight