Julius and the Watchmaker by Tim Hehir

Text, 2013. ISBN: 9781922079732.
Recommended for readers from 12-14 years of age. Subjects: Time
travel, Clocks and watches, Fantasy, Steampunk, Victorian England,
Science Fiction, Adventure. Tim Hehir's first novel set in 1837
London is complex and intriguing, taking young Julius Higgins on
unbelievable escapades, fighting villains, making new friends,
time-travelling into alternate worlds and meeting literary and
historical figures.
Julius works in his grandfather's bookshop in Ironmonger Lane, until
Jack Springheel a mysterious clock collector comes looking for John
Harrison the famous watchmaker's diary. Quickly Julius is drawn into
the adventure becoming a runaway and a thief stealing the diary,
making a regretful deal with Springheel. Fortunately he also
meets the professor and Mr Flynn who come to his assistance with
another time piece that allows time travel.
The cast of characters add richness to the plot's complexity, Emily
and her band of street urchins, the fierce Grackacks who inhabit an
alternate London, to Christian Machine and the clockmen, the rich
and poor of Victorian England. Hehir's attention to detail is
evident, from the housing, architecture, historic events even using
the vernacular of the day all adds depth and interest to the novel.
Julius is thrown into alternative worlds that are frightening,
confronting and strange. London controlled by the power hungry
Grackacks is preparing for a war with amazing flying machines
zettmalins in the sky and huge wheeled steel ships docked at the
river. Each chapter is titled with a date and time to allow the
reader to follow Julius forwards and backwards in Victorian England.
Tim Hehir's captivating time travel novel is the first in the Watchmaker
Rhyllis Bignell