Judy Moody, Girl detective by Megan McDonald

Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 978 1 4002 27435.
(Ages 9+) Humour. Warmly recommended. Judy Moody passionately following
the stories of Nancy Drew, finds herself developing the skills needed
to be a detective, through finding things lost at home. But when the
local policeman, Officer Kopp and his police dog arrive at school for a
show and tell, Judy's imagination takes over. She is invited onto the
stage to hide something for the dog, Mr Chipps to find and gives him a
sound workout trying vainly to trick him.
And the very next day, when Mr Chipps goes missing, Judy sees it as a
personal mission to find the dog and return it to Officer Kopp. She and
the members of her club, Rodney, Frank and Stick decide on action. They
go to Officer Kopp's house and offer their services and are asked to
put up posters around the district. Judy and her crew investigate the
scene of the crime and from there much mayhem and fun ensues and the
quartet go about their business. All good fun, a light read with easily
identifiable characters, this will be a popular choice amongst middle
primary readers, especially those already entranced with Judy Moody.
Fran Knight