Jonathan! by Peter Carnavas

Ill. by Amanda Francey. New Frontier Publishing, 2014. ISBN 9781921928611.
(Age: 3-6) Recommended. Humour. Jonathan loves to dress up and scare
his family. He tries his dad and mum and his sister, but they all
tell him the same thing, 'Not scary, Jonathan'. Disappointed, he
leaves the house only to find a dinosaur. The dinosaur comes home
with him and scares the family so much that they run away. A clever
twist brings the story back to reality, as Jonathan learns that
there are ways to scare people after all.
The seemingly simple story is augmented with witty illustrations,
showing Jonathan as he tries to scare his family. The soft water
colours suit the foursome, as they go about their daily tasks and
activities, the warmth of the colours enveloping a loving family. I
love the shadow of the dinosaur creeping over the house, and I love
its stance at the door, waggling its hands around waiting to scare
the family inside. Kids will love watching Jonathan's antics as
well, recognising the stances he takes when disappointed.
In a classroom where different tales about being scared are under
discussion, or attempts being made to make scary costumes, or a neat
tale of a family, this book will suit a range of activities. And
teachers and parents will make use of the repetition within the
story to encourage listeners and readers alike to join in.
Fran Knight