Jasper juggles jellyfish by Ben Long

Ill. by David Cornish. Ford Street, 2018. ISBN 9781925736038
(Age: 3-6) Themes: Rhyming book. Learning. Persistence. Jasper is a
bit of a disinterested learner (dragging his tentacles off to
school) and he would definitely rather juggle jellyfish than count
them. Imagine his surprise when his learning to juggle (he wants to
give up with this when it becomes too hard) also results in him
learning to count.
Rich, shiny illustrations give an under-the-sea sheen but the
illustrations falls a little flat, perhaps let down by Jasper the
octopus not having a form that allows for any facial or bodily
expression. This is disappointing as the story focuses heavily on
Jasper's attitudes to learning, failure and success and while there
is an attempt to counter this through the text ("He crumpled with a
sigh") it doesn't quite hit the mark. The little jellyfish are more
animated but they are secondary characters and singular faceted in
their emotions.
The story is an important reminder to children that learning can be
useful and fun and a nice reminder to parents and teachers that
there is more than one way to learn and that children learn best
when they are active participants engaging with the world around
Nicole Nelson