Jaclyn Hyde by Annabeth Bondor-Stone and Connor White

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HarperCollins, 2019. ISBN: 9780062954626.
(Age: 10+) Recommended. Themes: Science; Perfectionism; Jekyll and Hyde; Mystery; Personality. Jaclyn Hyde is a girl whose desire in all of life is to be as perfect as she can be. Mostly she is quite successful at being perfect, but as is the way with some high-achievers, she always dreams of more success. The discovery of a science recipe for a Perfection Potion in the rather scary abandoned Enfield Manor leads to a series of transforming moments. With more than a passing nod to the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde story, Jaclyn Hyde transforms into her 'bad' alter-ego, Jackie. Jaclyn's best friends, Paige and Fatima, work alongside her in trying to resolve the disaster that is unleashed at school by the Jaclyn-Jackie confusion.
This is a wonderful, funny story with some endearing, subtle (and sometimes more obvious) humour and some explosive moments! Set within a USA Middle School context in fictional Fog Island, there are moments of insight into psychological issues for the young characters, but mostly this is just a fun reconstruction of the Jekyll and Hyde story. A performance of a school musical has some positively ridiculous moments involving a Moose costume! Male and female readers will enjoy the hilarious journey.
Carolyn Hull