Jacaranda Magic by Dannika Patterson

Ill. by Megan Forward. Ford St Publishing, 2018. ISBN 9781925804003
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: Jacaranda, Playing,
Imagination, Friendship. When five friends loll about on a hot,
sticky summer's day beneath the Jacaranda tree, wishing for
something to do, the flowers from the tree fall around them, offering
a lifeline to their imaginations. They clamber up the tree,
imagining it to be a boat, one of them the captain, looking out for
mermaids, then the branch becomes a rocket taking them off into
space, the flowers become fairies for them to chase, butterflies to
set free.
The worlds created by the children using the tree as the stepping
off point to imagined possibilities will delight young readers as
they too see what can be made of the tree and its branches, leaves
and flowers. I can imagine them seeing the trees in their backyards,
schools and neighbourhoods with fresh eyes, willing the flowers to
fall upon them, initiating their imaginations just like the children
in the story. And then climbing the trees, practising their physical
prowess, encouraging outdoor activities.
With simple rhyming pairs of lines, Patterson has created a charming
storyline, one which will entice readers to predict the rhyme as
they listen to the story.
The watercolour illustrations, extol the colour purple, so well
known in Australian gardens, common to many suburbs with long
streets of these beautiful trees, people sharing photos in facebook
when they are in bloom. Using the purple flowers as a trigger for the
children's imaginations is sure to focus younger readers on the
beauty that surrounds them, encouraging them to take a moment to
look at things more closely.
Fran Knight