It's Trevor Noah: born a crime by Trevor Noah

Hachette, 2019. ISBN: 9781529318760.
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Trevor Noah is a stand-up comedian and so
you would expect his book to be funny. And funny it is, with many
stories that made me laugh out loud. But what readers might not be
so aware of, is that he grew up in apartheid South Africa, the son
of a black woman and a white man, at a time when it was a crime to
have any kind of inter-racial relationship, so his very existence
was a crime.
Apartheid was a rigid policy of segregation and discrimination where
people were assigned to one of four different racial groups: black,
white, coloured, or Asian (Indian and Pakistani). Bizarrely,
Japanese were considered white, because it suited the government's
trade relations. South Africa was a police state designed to keep
black people, the majority, oppressed by the white minority; with
movement, education and job opportunities for black people severely
So how was Trevor Noah able to grow up largely unscathed and able to
follow his dreams? It is all thanks to his fiercely independent and
proud mother, who refused to bow to any racist laws and who always
found a way to get around the restrictions. She was a fervent
Christian who believed that Jesus would look after her and her
family if they did the right thing in God's eyes. She was also a
strong disciplinarian, motivated by love and determination that her
son would follow the right path. As a result Noah had an amazing
life, with many adventures, that is so fascinating to read about. He
credits a lot his ability to mix between the racial groups to his
grasp of the different languages of each group, and promotes
multilingualism as a great way to overcome stereotypes and break
down barriers.
This version of his book has been adapted for young readers. It
interleaves short descriptions of the apartheid regime with
rollicking stories of the misadventures that made up his life. It
makes for informative and also thoroughly enjoyable reading that
will be sure to make you laugh.
Helen Eddy