It's OK to feel the way you do by Josh Langley

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Big Sky Publishing, 2017. ISBN 9781925520965
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. It's OK to feel the way you do is all about expressing emotions and feelings. It is a beautifully illustrated picture book, covering feelings such as anger, sadness and happiness. Each section explains how the feelings can make us feel and advice is offered for the negative feelings. The coping strategies include remembering happy moments and breathing in and out. This book is a way for children to learn about feelings, to learn how to express and cope. It is a book for children to read with an adult rather than independently so the topics can be discussed. Children could then read it again later.
It's OK to feel the way you do is an excellent bedtime book or it could be read once a child has calmed after feeling angry or anxious. Families (or classes) could create their own version, recording how they were feeling after different events and what they did to help themselves or their friends feel better. Many children struggle to describe or explain how they feel and this is a lovely way to get a discussion happening when the child is calm and focused. The style of illustrations is aimed at all primary school aged children and the text is aimed at readers aged 7+. Highly recommended for children aged 4+
Kylie Kempster