It's hard to love a tiger by Anna Pignataro

Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781743817582
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Tigers. Friendship. Difference. Pets.
Our sweet heroine would love to have a tiger to love, just like the
one in the zoo. In pairs of rhyming lines, the story is laid out
from the first page, as the ominous word, 'but' appears along the
bottom. Turning the page the reader hears of the negative things
about owning a tiger, all in rhyme and all very funny, using
repetition, prediction and humour to involve and delight the
Walking down the street, she finds that others are rather worried
when the tiger greets them with a roar. Brushing his teeth at night
takes a lot of patience when he growls like a bear. Or trying to
love him when you are a pastry shop and he covers himself with a
sticky mess. And in the ballet class where he gallops rather
fetchingly in her pink tutu.
Each double page presents the tiger in a hilariously funny
situation, absolutely the opposite of what children will expect a
tiger to be.
It will be a neat segue into ideas about what a tiger really does
do, and where he lives and what he eats, using the places shown in
the book.
Colourful watercolour, pen and charcoal illustrations full of
movement and interest are on every page and its fun to watch the
expressions on the children's faces as they become quite
disheartened with having a tiger to stay. But by the end he is so
much fun, that everyone is delighted with having a tiger as a pet,
even with his animal friends popping around. Children will respond
with stories of their own pets and friends to this book filled with
fun and a delight to read aloud.
Fran Knight