Inventors : Incredible stories of the world's most ingenious inventions by Robert Winston

Illus. by Jessamy Hawke. Dorling Kindersley, 2020. ISBN:
(Age: 8-12) Highly recommended. Inventors looks at
over 100 inventors and the wonderful things they have brought to
society to improve our lives. Each page details one inventor and
tells a little about their lives and how they came to invent what
they did to help improve our world. Written a little as short
stories, each page contains facts and illustrations to really show
the inventions and the impact they had on people's lives.
The book is divided into four major topics - "Making things go";
which covers inventions that impacted transport and travel; "Caring
for people" is the next section which includes inventions that help
people, cure diseases, help communications and improve lives
overall. The next section is all about "Helping at home", inventions
which assist us with household tasks or just entertainment. The last
chapter is called "Bang! Whizz! Whirr!" and covers a myriad of other
inventions that have helped human beings to live in our complex
world and made our live easier and safer.
This book is a great resource because it brings the inventors to
life for the reader. A class could use the information in this book
as a springboard for further investigation into some of the
inventors and the lives they led. It contains information about
contemporary inventors that are still living, and this is something
not done by many other books on this topic in recent years. There is
also a list of inventors that were not covered at the back of the
book. The glossary and index are well executed. A great resource for
every school library. Themes: Inventors, Technology.
Gabrielle Anderson