Inclusive Education for the 21st Century: Theory, policy and practice edited by Linda J. Graham

Allen and Unwin, 2019. ISBN: 9781760527099.
Teacher Reference. Inclusive Education for the 21st century
is a collection of articles by leaders in the field of Special
Education. These works were brought together into an authoritative
text by the editor to provide a guide to schools, and other
professionals working in the field, to bring about the changes
necessary to make schools more inclusive for students with a
disability. In the first few chapters the concept of Inclusive
Education is discussed and then the obligations of educators under
International and National Legislation is made clear. Next the book
includes chapters to assist teachers with strategies to support
diverse learners in the classroom. Using assessment data and
adjusting curriculum and pedagogy to create a supportive, safe
learning environment. Part 4 of the book then deals with developing
inclusive school cultures in seven diverse chapters dealing with a
variety of ways to change practice in schools. This section covers
more practical approaches and will prove useful to schools needing
guidance to implement better practice in this area. Putting students
at the centre, nurturing close student-teacher relationships,
developing productive partnerships with parents and carers and
rethinking the use of teacher aides are topics covered in these
chapters and which can really assist schools to develop inclusive
school cultures and ethical practices.
A useful book as a starting point for schools struggling to make
meaningful changes to the area of inclusivity and special education
in their schools. Themes: Inclusive curriculum, Special Education,
Differentiated curriculum, Children with disabilities, Teaching
Methods, Mixed ability grouping, Mainstreaming.
Gabrielle Anderson