Inbetween days by Vikki Wakefield

Text, 2015. ISBN: 9781922182364
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. It is almost impossible to put this
book down. The characters are so well developed the reader feels as
if they know them personally, and cannot help but care about them
This is a book about relationships and growing into an acceptance of
self. Every character in this gritty and richly drawn story has a
part to play in exploring the sense of self, the perception of the
value of women, and acceptance of difference.
Jacklin Bates (known as Jack) is 17 years old. She compares herself
to others and judges herself to be lesser. Jack has dropped out of
school and moved out of home to live with her sister, Trudy. The
scenes between Jack and her sister are riveting and evocatively
portray the love/hate relationship that siblings can bring out in
the very best of us.
Jack lives in small town. The description of this town is haunting
in creating a sense of suffocation and inevitability that is
possible in a small country town bypassed by not only by a highway,
but the rest of the world.
The great work of this book is in the gradual release of information
that has the reader always sure they know what is going on, only to
find (as in life) that there is often something else going on behind
the scenes. And through it all the reader is always looking for the
best to happen for the characters. This book will give the reader
many moments to relate to and many a pause for thought.
Linda Guthrie