In search of us by Ava Dellaira

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Hot Key Books, 2018. ISBN 9781471406515
(Age: 14+) Recommended. This book tells the story of Marilyn and Angie, mother and daughter who have only had each other as Angie's father died before she was born. Marilyn can't talk about Angie's father without getting sad and teary about it so Angie is reluctant to ask her mum to talk about him. Angie has always longed to know more about her father who is African American as she takes after him in looks rather than her fair skinned mother.
Life in their single parent household is happy, but not without its struggles and Marilyn spends her days working and spending her free time with Angie. Angie has a boyfriend Sam and they are well suited however there is something stopping Angie from telling Sam that she loves him and it causes tension in their relationship. One day Angie accidentally finds a photo from years ago of her mum and a boy who she knows instantly is her father. The image consumes her but she knows she can't talk to her mother about it and so starts her quest to find out more.
The story swaps between Marilyn and Angie and it all ties in nicely to show the reader how a series of events and life paths end up tying together the pieces of Angie's quest to find out more about her father, the missing puzzle piece in her life. It is interesting to see the very different ways Marilyn's mum Sylvie and Marilyn parent given they were bought up in similar circumstances.
This story explores the relationships and bonds between mothers and daughters and the way our actions impact others. Other strong relationship themes in this story are those between families and those between girlfriend and boyfriend.
I would recommend this story to ages 14+.
Gerri Mills