Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman

Elementals book 1. Harper, 2018. ISBN 9781460755273
(Age: 10-14) Recommended. Anders and his sister Rayna are orphans
who survive on the streets of Holbard. They live by their wits
stealing and scheming together, with Rayna being the planner and
organiser of the pair. They are inseparable twins who imagine their
life will always include each other. Both children keep their
distance from the Ice Wolf patrols who ensure the city is safe from
its sworn enemies, the evil Scorch Dragons.
"The Trial of Staff" is a gathering that selects the next 12 year
olds destined to become the new generation of shape shifting Ice
Wolves. By holding the staff, the chosen children will transform
into an Ice Wolf, join the Ulfar Academy and train to fight the
Scorch Dragons.
The twins attend the busy congregation to pick the pockets of the
many attendees but fatefully both children touch the staff. Anders
takes on the form of an Ice Wolf but his twin Rayna shape shifts
into a Scorch Dragon and after being attacked, flies away with other
hovering dragons.
Anders realises he must train at the Academy to secretly discover
how he can reunite with his sister, who he still loves and misses.
The wolf pack demand loyalty above all else and Anders soon finds he
is torn between betrayal of his own pack and the love for his twin
Ice Wolvesis obviously the first in a series as the book ends
with an exciting cliff hanger.
Amie Kaufman has created a fascinating fantasy world that
investigates different perspectives of good and bad.
Most of the book concentrates on Anders as he strives to find his
sister and rescue her. It is only at the end of the novel that his
long-held truths are questioned.
Amie Kaufman is a New York Times award winning Young Adult author. Ice
Wolves is her first solo fantasy novel aimed for a younger
audience. I recommend this book to fantasy readers from 10 - 14
years old.
A book trailer is available at this site.
Jane Moore