Ice breaker by Lian Tanner

The Hidden series, bk 1. Allen and Unwin, 2013. ISBN
(Age: 11+) Highly recommended. Adventure, Fantasy. The first in
The Hidden series, introduces Petrel, a young girl who
survives by her wits in a strange world aboard a huge ship where
three tribes have developed, markedly separate from each other, the
Cooks, Engineers and Officers. She avoids each level of the ship,
using the passages behind the metal of the ship to crawl from one
level to another, with her two rat friends Mister Smoke and Missus
Known as Nothing Girl to all tribes they tease, abuse and chase
Petrel when she is sighted, as she is the daughter of a forbidden
relationship, between two people from two levels, for which crime
they were thrown overboard. This is an even nastier world like the
one created by Tanner for her last unputdownable series, The
Onto this ship comes a small boy who Petrel calls Fin. Found on the
ice he needs to be nursed back to health, but a stranger on board
causes increasing tension between the ship's tribes, and when the
leader is killed, war breaks out.
Petrel scurries Fin to a safe haven but she is found by Squid, the
daughter of Seal, another leader, and together they try to hide Fin
after his talk while delirious shocks them all. He is the harbinger
for a ship following, intent on destroying the ship and all of its
inhabitants. So time is of the essence.
Petrel and the rats seek out the 'sleeping captain', the story of a
man who will save the ship, and so through the secret tunnels and
cavities of the ship they travel, with war and now fire raging on
every level.
This is an exciting adventure story, set in a blizzardly cold place,
where to go on deck means having to wear very protective outdoor
gear, to be thrown overboard means a quick death from the cold.
Petrel's life is always precarious, but when she defends the found
boy, she is targeted by everyone. With a steampunk background, the
mechanics of living in such a world is well drawn, making a
wonderful background to the story which will capture the imagination
of any reader, but particularly those absorbed by fantastical
Fran Knight