I own the racecourse by Patricia Wrightson

Text Publishing, 2013. First published in 1968. ISBN: 9 781 922
(Age: 8+) Andy is different to other boys his age, he is a open and
friendly person who likes to say that he lives 'behind a closed
While Andy's friends play a game where they own places around town
which he doesn't quite understand Andy wishes that one day he can
join in. 'You can't own it if somebody else does,' they would tell
him when he tried to claim the corner store. So when an old man
offers to sell Andy Beecham Racecourse for three dollars Andy
instantly agrees. When his friends learn what Andy has done they do
anything they can not to see Andy hurt. However the workers call
Andy 'The Owner' which does little to help the boys convince Andy of
the old man's duplicity. Andy becomes more and more involved in the
maintenance of his racecourse and before long he catches the
attention of the real owner and Andy feels he has to prove that he
really is the owner. But what will happen when Andy's admonishments
go too far and disaster strikes Beecham?
What I found unusual about this novel is that Andy's fragility of
mind is never directly mentioned showing that people like him
deserve to be treated just like everyone else. Overall this novel is
something which young people today don't see, Andy's gentle and
simple character voice teaches important lessons and values which
most people neglect such as caution and acceptance. Suitable for
ages eight and up I would recommend making this book available to
young people today.
Kayla Gaskell, Age Seventeen