I love you, Mummy by Catherine Vase

Gullane Children's Books, 2011. ISBN 9781862338098.
Board book. Mummy is all of Little Elephant's favourite things . .
. a woolly jumper, soft and snug; a cat's gentle purr; a juicy
strawberry. While the concept of the book is quite simple and
it is a complete tuck-me-in, kiss-me-goodnight story, it also has a
place in kick starting a child's venture into figurative language
and writing. Imagine how a mother would treasure a book
written and illustrated by her child telling her she is the golden
sunshine for Mother's Day, or a dad getting the same for Father's
Day. And imagine the learning that would go into creating such
a tome. This book has the potential to be more than a
feel-good warm fuzzy.
And my mum??? You are the springboard off which I jumped, the safety
net that caught me and the soft, warm quilt in which I wrapped
Barbara Braxton