Hudson Hates School by Ella Hudson

Frances Lincoln, 2012. ISBN: 9781847803757.
Although Hudson is a creative and talented child, he hates school .
. . particularly spelling tests. Thanks to the poor classroom
management skills practiced by Hudson's teacher and the teasing he
suffers at the hands of his classmates, school is a nightmare for
him, until he is introduced to Mr. Shapland. In the study room,
Hudson completes some very different tests which reveal he has
dyslexia. With support from a different teacher in a class of other
dyslexic children, Hudson's attitude to school and his work begins
to change.
This debut picture book, written by a teacher who is also a sufferer
of dyslexia, should provide children with some answers and
reassurance about the condition. Somehow, the pictures of two
different brains failed to fully provide sufficiently simple
information to young sufferers. Although the illustrations are
simplistic and quirky, they held little appeal to me. Despite the
necessity of such titles with which to introduce difficult topics to
young children, I felt disappointed by this book. Nonetheless, it
would still be another resource to draw upon when discussing
dyslexia with children in the classroom.
Jo Schenkel