How to outsmart a billion robot bees by Paul Tobin

Genius factor bk 2.Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017 ISBN
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. How to Outsmart a Billion Robot
Bees starts with a bee attack. Delphine and her friends are
under attack. To escape, the girls run into the street but the bees
seem to want Delphine. A few pages in and readers will already be
laughing. Delphine is then kidnapped. Next, she is rescued by her
genius friend Nate. This book seems to be on fast forward, there is
so much happening and it is very fast paced. The two friends are
then chased by The Red Tea Society (and it is not even lunch time
yet!). We then read about a car chase and Nate explains some of his
more unusual inventions. Before you know it, a wetsuit is flying and
saving the day. Keep reading to find out why The Red Tea Society is
after Delphine and Nate. Why does Delphine need to argue with a
talking car? Can you really make friends with a robot bee?
How to Outsmart a Billion Robot Bees is the second in the
series following How to
capture an invisible cat and it is recommended that
readers read the series in order. This is an extremely busy and
active story. It will keep independent readers engaged and giggling
at the antics.
Kylie Kempster