How to hypnotise a droid by Joshie Lefers

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Hectic Electric series. Hardie Grant Egmont, 2017. ISBN 9781760128005
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Themes: Science fiction, Androids, Humour. Joshie Hectic, also known as 'Hectic Electric' cannot resist opening the box marked 'Top Secret' which arrives at his house one morning at breakfast time. He doesn't quite bring all the troubles of history on his head, but he certainly makes some people very angry. And this means trouble.
Head of the Robotics Institute Joshie's mum is convinced that the droid inside the box is the answer to all her babysitting problems. Joshie's father is unable to babysit as he has been hit by lightning, the same lightning strike singeing Joshie's hair. But Joshie doesn't want a babysitter. His dog, Frenchy and best friend Pops, will be able to babysit for his mum. But when mum finds out that he has opened the box, he is worried about her reaction and wants Pops to hypnotise the droid to avoid any confrontation.
Fast paced, energetic writing combined with a comic illustration style is emphasised with 'explosive' fonts amongst its easily read large print size. A highly appealing book, this is the first in a series, about a boy who cannot help staying out of trouble. Three more books will be published shortly, adding to the easily read, high octane and funny stories of this singular boy.
Fran Knight