How to feel awesome every day by Elly Awesome

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Random House, 2017. ISBN 9780143786085
(Age: 9-14) Despite my initial 'cringe' when this book arrived for review, I was quickly converted to see it as a positive title for young girls from the age of 9 to 14 to read. A combined activity book and journal, it was written by an author previously unknown to me. I soon did a little research and realised that Elly Awesome is prolific on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and 'Toasted TV' and discovered that the book is filled with positive suggestions as to how girls could spend their time. The book could easily have become preachy and sanctimonious but, instead, it is a rather delightful little 'how-to' for young girls wishing to keep active.
From mental health and wellbeing quizzes to goal setting, recipes, exercise suggestions, colouring and creative DIY ideas, this book ticks off a multitude of topics which would give any reader a boost. Even as an adult, I went away from reading feeling somewhat uplifted, merely thinking about some of the topics and how I would have answered the questions the author posed. Initially, I was confused as to the age of the target audience but I believe the book would hold a relatively broad appeal.
With well-being coordinators and growth mindset a big part of the curriculum, this book ticks a lot of boxes and I can see some tasks possibly being included in the classroom programme too. This is a great title for young girls to assist them with boosting their self-esteem and general well-being.
Jo Schenkel