How to be a good cat by Gail Page

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Bloomsbury, 2012. ISBN 978 1 4088 2618 8.
(Age: Pre-school) Warmly recommended. Picture book. Bobo the dog is a good dog, he jumps in to help around the home, dusting, sweeping and polishing. When their neighbour knocks at the door, wanting to know whether someone could look after his kitten while he was away, Bobo volunteers readily. The kitten looks cute but surprisingly, she is fast, naughty, and very difficult. The illustrations show the readers just how difficult the little kitten is and Bobo's attempts to tame her. The other cat in the household gives Bobo lessons in what a cat is like, so that Bobo will have more ability to keep her under control.
Small children will love the ideas put forward in this story about a kitten and her characteristics, and the attempt by the dog to tame the animal. The bare illustrations will absorb the readers' interest as they recognise things about kittens and cats. In the end, Bobo attempts to do the same things, will hilarious results, both so tired out they fall asleep. The old adage about teaching an old dog new tricks springs to mind and could well be a discussion point with the tale.
Fran Knight